
homicide Dortmund: Martina Bönisch (Anna Schudt), Jan Pawlak (Rick Okon), Nora Dalay (Aylin Tezel) and Peter Faber (Jörg Hartmann, v. l. n. r.).

©WDR/Thomas Kost

It was a solid Dortmund-Thriller, the makers of “scene of the crime: anger” brought on Sunday on the TV-screens. He led the audience deep into the wounded souls of forgotten Ex-coal mine workers, looking for your way out in alcohol, and partially in the extremism. However, as the actor about the movie think?

Jörg Hartmann is the main Commissioner Peter Faber

Commissioner Faber seemed to be the things least something will help you stay calm and quiet. He is now more unpredictable?

Jörg Hartmann: His unpredictability will lose Faber never. And when it comes, to make the murderer of his family, is pretty much any means.

are you interested in architecture – what is the Appeal of the colliery settlements in the Ruhr area and especially in Dortmund?

Hartmann: The colliery settlements can be a role model for today’s social housing. They show that the Build for low-income earners and aesthetic standards in architecture and urban design are not mutually exclusive. A treat when you see what loveless crates today, our country is sealed. You need to walk only through the Dortmund settlements Eving and upper-dorstfeld to see how it is different and better.

Anna Schudt chief Commissioner Martina Bönisch

You could get in this case, the impression that Martina Bönisch the one in charge of the homicide the last word – and not your Manager Faber. How do you see that?

Anna Schudt: Faber has, to the chagrin of wife Bönisch always have the last word, but you, as always, have your own opinion on this. The controversy but of course, this is the Exciting in the relationship, Faber-Bönisch.

Aylin Tezel is not holding police chief Commissioner Nora Dalay

Nora Dalay with criticism of your colleagues Pawlak behind the mountain. It does not protect him from making a big mistake. She puts it on in an open conflict?

Aylin Tezel: Nora distrusts Mr Pawlak; you don’t look at him and you feel insecure. It has, in General, and in particular in relation to Pawlak fear of a loss of power. The pressure to your for some time now recurring panic attacks, cover up, leaves you to your colleagues.

Rick Okon is police Commissioner Jan Pawlak

Jan Pawlak is a little price. But, slowly, the viewers learn the new Commissioner in the Dortmund “Tatort”-Team. How would you describe him?

Rick Okon: The “Mysterious” part of the figure and also so intended. He is someone the private life and the professional strictly separated from each other. For him, it is hard to find his place in the Team, just because the colleagues are more experienced, but he is still the main Commissioner. The audience will learn for more about Jan Pawlak, and he will also need to open emotionally.

“crime scene”-Commissioner, then a main role in “das Boot”. How has your life changed since you are seeing in these large productions?

Okon: For me, this is of course all very exciting. But also, because to me, both figures are very close to our hearts! My life hasn’t changed too much, just in terms of my everyday life. I try to approach relaxes the things and to not let me out of the rest. And when I’m in Berlin, I always go every Friday with my boys playing football.
