
“Avengers: the Endgame” starts at 25. April in the German cinemas

©(c) Marvel Studios, 2019

the Premiere for all Marvel Fans! “Avengers: Endgame” is the longest Film in the Marvel history. The long-awaited sequel to the superhero adventure will take a proud 182 minutes – so three hours and two minutes. Thus, the second round against Thanos captivates visitors to the cinema about 30 minutes longer than the previous “Avengers: Infinity War” to your chair.

the news that The new super-hero strip has more than twice the length of a conventional movie, not very surprising. The Directors Joe and Anthony Russo had already announced in November 2018, the then-current cut of the film would cover, in about three hours. The exact duration of which has been released Accidentally from the US-cinema operator AMC.

“Avengers: the Endgame” also represents the conclusion of marvel’s “Infinity Saga” and marked the culmination to a total of 22 films from the Marvel universe. 24. April it is for the German cinema-goers finally. Can the Avengers in the fight against Thanos (Josh Brolin), who destroyed it with a finger, the half of humanity, flick? Time enough for Captain America (Chris Evans), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and co. anyway…
