Untouched nature, Deserted and breathtaking Wide – this is what photographer Florian Gerlach fascinated to the icy Lapland. The young photographer, decides, together with two friends, to the adventure and to go on a sled Tour through Lapland – attracted by the boundless freedom. All three are enthusiastic about the outdoor sports. One of them has a travel company, and the others have traveled to for your photos is already half way around the world. This Tour is different: harder, more exhausting, and a lot colder.


Selfie from the snow

©Florian Gerlach Seven days in the case of minus 36 degrees

Seven days to hike, lie in front of the friends. Seven days at temperatures between minus 5 and minus 36 degrees Celsius. You will stay in tents, only with the most Necessary equipped. For your walks, the men are equipped with snow – shoes, and the so – called Pulkas tray, the only carry about 50 kilogram. Not easy to transport in addition to dry Trekking-food and thick clothes on it’s even photo equipment. Also a drone, and tons of batteries you have in the Luggage.

The Tour was to the exit from the everyday life. But the Winter in the North is hard. Extremely powdery snow was up to my knees sink in, it was hard to get on incredibly. And also, technically, the minus degrees are noticeable: The batteries do not last long, the camera displays will only work to a limited extent, and the rubber seals freeze utterly, and to break.


to illustrate how cold it is for the camera…

the Northern lights from a different angle

However, for Florian Gerlach was worth the trip in spite of all the odds: the sight of The Northern lights far away from any sources of Light, and the intoxicating feeling of a great Tour, he stops in a unique photo-reportage. With images of Reindeer, a colorful sky and a frozen landscape, he shows how beautiful Winter in the North of Scandinavia can be. For the photographer this trip has set the start of more tours: A North-South crossing of Iceland, and a trip to Greenland is planned.

for More pictures of Florian Gerlach, you can find also in our VIEW ‘ photo community.
